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COX F & D | IASTM | | Diversified | SOT Pelvic Blocking | Kinesiotaping | Activator | Myofascial Release | Electric Stimulation
IASTM (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization) treatments were created by experienced medical and non-medical professionals over many years of research and development. The use of these tools and their effectiveness has been scientifically validated in countless venues for use on a large number of musculoskeletal disorders.
IASTM is just one option to resolve pain and tightness throughout the body. This technique affects the fascia and underlying muscle, tendon and ligament tissue in a safe and efficient manner.
Using a tool instead of hands or elbows focuses the force through a relatively smaller area with less friction. The goal is to trigger a minor inflammatory healing response by physically breaking down local tissues. This will stimulate the production and placement of new collagen tissue which exhibit better function, more closely related to the original tissues in the area prior to the injury. As the body is healing the damaged tissues, continuing the use of IASTM will help align the repair tissues so that they can function in a way more closely resembling the function of the original tissues in the area of complaint, leading to a more complete and functional end result.
IASTM instruments, do in fact make it easier to detect and treat fascial dysfunction. The specific shape, edge and composition of the tools actually amplify the gritty sensation associated with dysfunctional tissues (scar tissue, adhesions, restrictions, etc.) for the practitioner so they may treat the dysfunctional tissues more precisely. This is one of the key reasons it is one of the top picks for many chiropractors.
IASTM works best on:
- Impinged ligaments, tendons and nerves
- Muscle spasms
- Trigger points
- Scar tissue
- Pre and post-surgical scarring, especially around the shoulder area
- Tennis and Golfer’s elbow- By “ironing out” dysfunctional and repetitively strained muscles, fascia and tendons in the forearms
- Carpal tunnel- as IASTM can loosen tense fascial in the hand and wrist which may be responsible for causing the neurological symptoms that make up carpal tunnel syndrome
What to expect:
The doctor will perform a history and orthopedic exam on the patient
The doctor will palpate specific points on the patient’s body in order to find areas of muscle, fascia, tendon and ligamentous dysfunction
The doctor will use the tool to “smooth out” the dysfunctional tissue. An emollient will be used to reduce friction between the tool and the patient’s skin
- The typical time for this treatment is about two minutes.